Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy in Seven Words

Couples Therapy in Seven Words

Dr. Bruce Chalmer has been putting up videos about couples therapy topics for a few years, and has recently written a book called Reigniting the Spark: Why Stable Relationships Lose Intimacy, and How to Get It Back. It’s based on a seven-word formula that summarizes...

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Dr. Chalmer’s New Book!

Dr. Chalmer’s New Book!

Our own Dr. Bruce Chalmer has written a book! Here is his announcement: I'm delighted to announce the publication of my latest book, Reigniting the Spark: Why Stable Couples Lose Intimacy, and How to Get It Back. If you're in a relationship, and you'd like it to...

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Couples Therapy…in Seven Words.

Couples Therapy…in Seven Words.

Dr. Bruce Chalmer has been helping individuals, couples, and families for over twenty years. In this short youtube video, Dr.Chalmer tells you how he does couples therapy, with a seven-word formula. View here

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